The Community of Irrigators of La Aldea de San Nicolás estimated that the water stored in the three dams, Siberia, Parralillo and La Niña Caidero, It is around three and a half million cubic meters. About a 2% of the total capacity it has been lost this summer due to the evaporation.

The current reserve of water available to reservoirs in the basin of the village is not enough for this season has already begun. In fact, now farmers combine water with desalinated dams.

Of the three dams, which has more hours is to Siberio followed by Prralillo and, Finally, Caidero of La Niña. Last winter left water in this basin, but not enough to have reserves for two years.

Although the area under cultivation decreased year after year, the water needs remain. One reason is due to increased production in hydroponics, which means increased consumption of the liquid element.

Dam The ParralilloAs for the use of desalinated water, many technicians agree that this quality can never be equal to the rain that is collected in dams. The pH of desalinated water should be corrected to the extent possible to affect the production of the plant, which is an added expense.

In addition, the cost of desalination process ends up giving the reason as to the criteria for preferring the dammed water. However, farmers are aware of the difficulty of having rainwater. The years do not help and climate change has disrupted what was once a logical occurrence of seasons.

For this reason, the intermediate formula is to mix the water dam with desalter. This way they will extend in time reservations and give you more time to be replenished. But the latter depends on the whim of climate change.

And is that if anyone doubted the effects of climate change or the change itself itself, these samples end up making the most reviled believer unbeliever.