The new entity will bring together more than fifty.

CabrasThe livestock sector in the municipality of La Aldea has expressed the need to be united to defend their interests and enforce their demands, in order to ensure their existence and be competitive.

In this sense, City Hall and the industry agreed to create an entity that will promote the City and will be complementary to the two Health Protection Groups operating in the municipality.

Currently the sector is made up of more than fifty of livestock and livestock, highlighting the sheep and goat population which comprises more than 18.000 heads.

This sector enjoys great prestige backed by the demand for its products by consumers. Also, the quality of the cabin is appreciated throughout the archipelago.

The main problems that accuses the industry right now are those derived from the situation of lawlessness and illegality of farms, and the treatment and disposal of waste generated.

CabrasRecently, part of the sector and City Council held a meeting with the Director General of Animal Husbandry of the Canary Islands, Marcelino Umpiérrez, to which they moved some demands and assessed positively the willingness director to collaborate in solving them.

Cattlemen's Association La Aldea, Next, It intended as a tool to channel the demands and interests of the sector and its members benefit from those lines and programs for the sector and, by administrative incapacity, often they can not be exploited.

One of the first proposals to develop the new entity will be conducting a pilot project forage supply from left to a farm crops and studying all possible parameters, depending on the results, to extend it to other farms.

The training will also have an important role within the range of features that will have this new entity, as noted promoters.