The initiative of several farmers, Domingo Martín and Pedro Martín, technical Javier Manrique and Juan Miguel Torres, and the technicians of the Cabildo of Fuerteventura has restored the tomato variety 'Special Fuerteventura', whose cultivation was abandoned on the island since the mid of the 60.
His recovery has a double interest: ensure the survival and use of a seed typical of the island and is available to farmers; and open up possibilities for selection and development to increase productivity.
The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Council of Fuerteventura, Rita Díaz, He accompanied a group of farmers in the tomato industry of the island to show the results of culture experiences have been developed in the greenhouses of the Agricultural Experimental Farm and Black Well.
“In this way they were able to compare it with other varieties currently known and assess the possibility of their use for plantations on their farms. The work is not over yet, we must follow selected examples and studying the best ways production and even record the variety so that whoever can plant in Fuerteventura”, Rita explained Diaz.
Three years ago, within the framework of one of the conferences Agricultural Conference organized by the Cabildo and the Cooperative of Great Tarajal results of the rescue of ancient seeds that had been done on other islands they were exposed. In this context, some farmers assistants brought an old container harvest seeds 1965.
“Were few and work to try to reproduce in seedbeds Cooperative. All we planted germinated only one, and from it began a job that has taken us three years”, Javier explained Marique, technical manager of the project with Juan Miguel Torres.
Reproduction by cuttings allowed to have more specimens of plants 'Special Fuerteventura', select them, classify them and get more seeds. already 2014 It was a first comparison with plants varieties as 'Daniela', which they are currently more common in tomato crops.
This year a greenhouse of about a thousand square meters was prepared with a 600 plants' Special Fuerteventura’ in Agricultural and Experimental Farm Pozo Black, pollinated by bumblebees that is more effective and productive.
“That allowed us to improve outcome, with corsages over three and four tomatoes, good features and dimensions. And even some farmers, especially ecological, they are even planting them on their farms”, Javier Manrique explained.
Juan Miguel Torres, one of the technicians responsible for all the work, He underlined the contribution of farmers Domingo Martín and Pedro Martín, de la Rosa of James, they preserved and placed at their disposal a bowl with seeds that had used her father in years 60.
“That's when he said all the work. Today the result is that we have identified and recovered a seed of Fuerteventura, that is the heritage of the field majorero. That is the main achievement. Everything from a single plant was germinated and which opens up a huge range of possibilities to study how to improve your productivity, analyze more productive soils, amounts of water, polinizaciones, etc”.
'Special Fuerteventura’ It provides a few tomatoes 220 grams, type salad, characterized by its sweet taste and good adaptation to the climatic conditions of the island.
So far it has remained resilient virus Spoon also stands out for its softer shell and resistance for more than two weeks for marketing.
Its cultivation was common in Fuerteventura until the mid 60 of the last century, but the higher productivity of other varieties was carrying his virtual disappearance.