Tomachan 1 It sleeps six medium tomatoes, sufficient quantity, according to the company, to power brokers who dispute the Tokyo Marathon.

Last year year highlighted by vending machines fresh tomato. This year, Japanese power company KAGOME, He introduced a robot designed to feed the Tokyo marathon runners.

The company representative, Shigenori Suzuki, He explained that tomatoes have many nutrients that fight fatigue, hence our participation in this marathon test.

Tomachan 2This wonderful invention, that could change life, not just those who play sports, but of all mankind, It sleeps six medium tomatoes, which is enough to power over the demanding athletic event.

One thing to mention is that weighs about eight kilograms Tomachan. Shigenori no details about, but we assume that tomatoes also would prevent spinal problems causing the carry weight like running for more than 42 kilometers.

With the emergence of inventions such as Google Glass and Apple Watch, food companies do not want to be left behind when it comes to portable devices.

In this harder still, that the Japanese company has used the participants, It is presented with a very difficult challenge to overcome for the marathon next year. But among Japanese ....