Banana peels have endless uses. They are used to clean the leaves of the plants as well as to let shoes shine., as a cosmetic and even to eat them, as is or cooked.
In addition, the peel of this fruit is used to make compost, used directly, with which we obtain an express payment, or to make liquid fertilizers.
Therefore, if you want to make an organic and economical fertilizer, for both ornamental and edible plants, banana peels are a great option.
It is easy to prepare and very effective thanks to its high content of potassium and phosphorus.. In addition, can be mixed with other ingredients to achieve tailored solutions, depending on the land and the crop.
Homemade compost
Not only does it help us to pay without resorting to chemical fertilizers, a key aspect for a vegetable garden or garden to be completely organic, but also allows to recycle and reuse part of the household waste. Precisely, is what happens when we compost.
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We can bury them in the ground, In a direct way, around the plants. There are two options: bury them without further ado, whole or chopped, or bake them previously. Its effectiveness will be easy to appreciate in the flowering season and when we have just planted a new plant..
Biofertilizer with banana peels.
It is enough to add a few small pieces of banana peel to get the plants to grow and bloom better.. Applying them twice a year will be enough, exaggerations will alter the composition of the earth and end up being harmful.
In case of baking, do not leave them for more than fifteen minutes at 90 degrees Celsius or you can also choose to let them dry after cutting them. Actually, the oven only serves to speed up the process.
Liquid manure
With a few sliced banana skins and boiled for a quarter of an hour in a liter of water we obtain a broth that, once cast, it will help us to bloom and to a fruit.
The resulting liquid is a very effective liquid fertilizer. The formula also supports a tablespoon of honey to improve results.. Store in a bottle and apply in the form of irrigation.
If you compost with worms, its presence will accelerate the decomposition of the banana peel. In this case, to make liquid compost they can be fed with organic waste from the kitchen, i.e., not only with bananas but also with vegetables, especially green leaf.
In addition, a waterproof floor is needed and that it has a sufficient slope so that it drips into a jar or vessel, in which the liquid that generates the splitting of the digestion of the worms is collected.
This is how you get liquid hummus, an organic fertilizer with soil bioregulatory properties. Among other advantages, does not produce putrefaction, it is very soluble and is assimilated by plants very quickly through the roots. It also protects them from diseases.