ASAJA Alicante has claimed that the exceptional measures established in the Delegated Regulation 1031/2014 and subsequently modified, Delegated Regulation 1371/2014, both related to the Russian veto, They are assuming “a whole tort” alicantinos for farmers, just who should benefit from these actions, as announced.
However, for the organization, these actions are not reaching the real harmed by the Russian veto, believing that “They have focused from the beginning to the compensation of the companies that control the commercial structure of our country”.
On the other hand, the Minister of Agriculture, José Ciscar, Magrama has asked the new negotiations with the EC to extend the compensatory measures for citrus to the Russian ban on imports of fruit and vegetables.
for ASAJA, for example, distribution to charities for fresh consumption is subsidized to 100%, but the products are due in containers 25 kg properly labeled, what it means “a clear impediment” for many alicantinos engaged in the production of fruits and vegetables.
"Farmers are outraged. See that, much talk, always benefit them and, Really, producers could generate more jobs and wealth for all, but they are never enough support, not even when they are the main victims of a situation and promise help. To the 'strong' end of the chain always have more offsets ", denounces the president of ASAJA Alicante, Eladio Aniorte.
In addition, the collection and transportation costs are not subsidized, so are borne by the producer, which you are often forced to seek destinations other than the distribution charities.
The only output is feasible Juices, but many farmers have been left out.
In other destinations, are set lower than those of the distribution to charities are not subsidized prices and the cost of collecting the product and move it to where it will be used. In this case, They can be reached agreements with the recipient to cover costs.
Like this, in the aid of Russian veto, there have only been a feasible alternative, processing for juice for free distribution payment in kind. The problem is that the date of approval of this measure (16/12/2014) and the deadline to apply (26/12/2014) I was shortlived, so, Once again, many individual producers have been left out.
In this situation, ASAJA Alicante - Young Agicultores requires the administration to re-open the deadlines for eligible farmers can ask and may benefit, at least, by one of the measures the Russian veto. For all these reasons, who sell their produce on the tree, most of the farmers in the Community, have been marginalized support actions.
"Management, at the end, It has been lamentable. We knew it was not going to hurt as much as he was preaching, but the producer that if he has 'touched' because exported to Russia has not found solutions. Once again, the millonadas that the European Union intended benefit to them, the strong, while the Spanish authorities have not done anything to fix it. ", apostilla President Aniorte.
Finally, ASAJA stressed that the European Union has extended such aid until June “with the alibi” that emergency measures will benefit the agricultoresde 12 European Union countries. "Everything is a farce because the 165 million euros announcing trumpeted in press, They have come to nothing.
They have established a bureaucratic and cumbersome framework to make it impossible for the money reaches independent farmers. More of the same, ruin producer, while other agents are profiting chain. At least, to recover processing into juice ".
The Minister of Agriculture has said the quota established for the Region in the year 2015 already it consumed, despite the four-month campaign remaining, which gives the citrus sector “a complicated situation”.
Císcar stressed that “They have fallen short” the amounts provided for the recall of this product, calculated based on the amount exported to Russia in the last three years and to relieve pressure on this product.
For this reason, the Minister reiterated “the need to increase the allocation for the group tonnes of citrus” and thanked “the effort” made from the Government of Spain for including citrus compensatory measures provided for in EU regulation.