In addition to meeting and add years, Fifty did last February, COAGRISÁN has set the goal of overcoming figures and break records. While numbers last season were very positive, it seems that in this latter will be improved more than.

The current harvest is developing as normal. After overcoming the harsh winter that produced excess moisture and delayed fruit ripening, the campaign is in a good moment marked by the quantity and, above all, tomato quality, said its president, Juan José de el Pino.

Currently it is being exported volume ranging from 180.000 and the 200.000 Weekly packages and all first. To continue at this rate, before the end of the month will reach four million kilos, surpassing the figure of last season that reached the 3.990.000 kilos, said Del Pino.

If something is making this campaign difference it is the quality of the fruit, President she sentenced. Our customers are very satisfied and continue to demand fruit and new orders, confirming that we are on the good line and very well positioned in the market where our tomato has a good quote, Del Pino said.

Not only surpassed the four million, but we do it with smaller area which means that we are approaching average 18-20kgrs / m2. These figures prove that it is possible to compete with European producers by applying the criteria of professionalism we have been advocating for years, said the president.

Figures and data confirm that we continue to lead, our commitment to continue improving places us at the forefront of the industry in the Canaries and our customers guarantee our quality, seriousness and commitment. We are in a very sweet moment that will continue to improve, because that is our job, said Del Pino.

COAGRISAN continue exporting until the next day 20 June, date must submit firm orders.