Pella de remembered.A research carried out between 2007 and 2014 by the University Hospital of the Canary Islands as well confirms it.

A study of the Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) It has been found that you people have an extended usage of gofio, during more than 40 years, they have a greater capacity for exercise and a lower risk of a coronary artery disease.

Research, that have been carried out between 2007 and 2014, It has been done with data collected in thousand patients from 70 and 80 years with symptoms of chest pain who asked a stress test, the head of the study explained, the cardiologist Alberto Domínguez.

The objective of this research was to study, for the first time, If the consumption of gofio has influence in exercise capacity and the risk of coronary artery disease in people personally, reported by its director.

Dr. Alberto Domínguez has detailed the subjects included in the study was carried out a survey on intake of gofio in breakfast and subjected them to a questionnaire of Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular risk factors.

The study, He has been published in the International Journal of Cardiology journal, It revealed that elderly patients who consumed gofio regularly during, at least, forty years have better functional ability, higher proportion in the overcoming of tests of effort and lower risk of a coronary artery disease.

Responsible for the research cardiologist explained that maize is a cereal which is characterized as a food with a high nutritional value, rich in minerals and vitamins.

Alberto Domínguez has detailed than gofio, Unlike the American cereal production process, during the procedure the toasting of the grain it loses little nutrients that protect the inner wall of the arteries.

The head of the cardiology service of the HUC, Ignacio Laynez, He said that it has been shown that gofio is a food with a high nutritional value that must be in the diets, especially of young people, avoiding others as the industrial bakery.

Laynez highlighted that the study is one more reason to think that maintained gofio consumption is beneficial to health, thus provides data that enables you to verify that the prolonged intake of this cereal reduces cardiovascular risk.

Dr. Alberto Domínguez has advanced that, as a result of these findings, they will continue to explore the benefits of the extended usage of gofio with a with a clinical trial, for what is required of public or private funding.

The next step in the study is to select subjects that present a high cardiovascular risk but who have not had any cardiovascular disease, provide that a Mediterranean diet during five years, divided into two groups: one with gofio consumption and another without it.

Once the testing period, would be which of the two groups has presented cardiovascular disease.

Alberto Domínguez recalled that in the 21st century, cardiovascular disease continues to be the most frequent cause of mortality, so, She added, It would save money if preventive policies are made before having to treat diseases.

The cardiologist has highlighted that the most important measure to prevent heart disease is to have a State of physical well-being well, for what it is necessary to have a healthy diet, What has insisted that cereals are a staple that should be consumed daily.