Red peppersThe pepper consignment reached the Danish market via Germany.

The EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, RASFF) has communicated the presence of industrial pollutants in a consignment of peppers from Morocco.

Although the communication was dated 21 of March, the analysis of the peppers was carried out last day 10 February, so at the time of proceeding to withdraw the product from the market, the peppers were no longer on the shelves.

RASFF has communicated that the harmful agent is mineral oil corresponding to industrial pollutants, in a ratio of 11 milligrams per kilo.

Peppers, with origin in Morocco and of the long type in red, reached the Danish markets via Germany.

Mineral oils are sometimes used to enhance the effects of pesticides, or to prevent the activity of pest insects, but in no case those from industrial pollutants.