Stand FEDEX VINEGAR FA 2016Acting Minister, accompanied by the Secretary of Agriculture, the Minister and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Government of the Canary Islands visited the stand dedicated to the sector 130 Anniversary.

Secretary General of Agriculture and Food will move to the end of October to the Canary Islands and will meet with industry representatives.

Wednesday day 5 October began the eighth edition of Fruit Attraction 2016, International Fair for the Fruit and Vegetables, in which the associations of exporters of tomatoes and cucumbers from both Canary provinces, FEDEX and ACETO are present.

The Acting Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina and the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos cabins, accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, Narvay Quintero, the Deputy Minister of Primary Sector, Abel Morales and CEO of GMR Canarias, Juan Antonio Alonso, They visited the stand of canaries producers where they were received by President FEDEX, Jose Juan Bonny.

Stand FEDEX ACETO 2 DOES 2106They were also in the stand the president of the Agriculture Committee of the Parliament of the Canary Islands, Mario Cabrera; the Minister of Agriculture of the Cabildo of Fuerteventura, John stearic; President of the Foundation Cajamar Canarias, John Sardinia; President of the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Canary Islands and Coagrisan, Juan José del Pino and President Aceto, Francisco Echandy.

Minister entourage moved to the Canary work being done with counseling directed Quintero, aimed at solving the main obstacles that are burdening the competitiveness of canaries producers from peninsular.

Also, García Tejerina announced that the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas will move to Canary later this October and, among other issues, will hold a working meeting with industry representatives.

Jose Juan Bonny moved to the minister's concern about the impact of industry 'Brexit', which will directly affect the first shipments of tomatoes to be held next week.

Bonny recalled the great uncertainty hovering over this campaign, not only for the consequences of 'Brexit', but by the effects of climate change they are resulting in a decrease in the traditional calendar of 'canary tomato', European producers to extend its presence in markets.

On the other hand, the president of the Provincial Association of Cosecheros – Exporting tomatoes Tenerife, ACETO, Francisco Echandy, He stressed the need for the new Strategic Plan which can overcome the lack of liquidity caused by the high indebtedness of the sector and, power and, continue with the investments needed to modernize infrastructure.

Quintero told the producers the actions that has been done with the Minister, while reported the next meetings to continue the work of drafting the next Strategic Plan for the sector.

Mario Cabrera explained to producers and exporters of tomato and cucumber Canary supported by the parliamentary commission chaired, since 'Canarias can not afford to lose this strategic sector or what contributes to the economy and employment of the Archipelago.'

The sector has highlighted the fact differential of 130 Anniversary over other competitors, not only for excellence and product quality, but for being the pioneers in Europe and lead 130 years of activity, experience and constant improvement are the guarantee of success.

FEDEX stand – VINEGAR has de 32 m2 in the sector continues to promoting 130 Anniversary, standing out as the first tomato growers in southern Europe, against other producing areas that constitute a competitive.

Give value fruit and vegetable production and expand export destinations are the Canary betting sector employers, attending the quotes with the support and participation of the Canary Islands Economic Development Company, S.A., PROEXCA.