FEDEXACETOThe provincial associations begin sending the first contingent of tomatoes last week of this month october.

It is still unknown what effect that will have the 'Russian veto' in the Canary productions by intervening many factors including supply are, imports from third countries and falling prices.

Wednesday day 15 October begins the sixth edition of Fruit Attraction, International Fair for the Fruit and Vegetables, where they will present the associations of exporters of tomatoes from both Canary provinces, FEDEX y ACETO.

Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland, Marek Sawicki, and the Minister of Agriculture of Portugal, Assuncao ridges, They will participate in the opening of this edition of Fruit Attraction, that made the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain, Isabel García Tejerina.

The president of the Provincial Federation of Fruit and Vegetable Exporters of Las Palmas, FEDEX, Jose Juan Bonny, He reported that the presence in this frame of reference for the fruit and vegetable sector is paramount, not only to consolidate existing customers but to explore other alternatives to minimize the impact that may involve the 'Russian veto' in the Canary productions.

Bonny recalled the great uncertainty that hangs over this season and has started a month and a half later than usual, due, mainly, negotiations that were taking place between the Platform for the Defense of Tomato Fruit and Vegetable Canary Islands and the regional and central government.

On the other hand, the president of the Provincial Association of Cosecheros – Exporting tomatoes Tenerife, ACETO, Francisco Echandy, He stressed that the lack of liquidity caused by the high indebtedness of the sector, to make investments for the commitment of the Strategic Plan and not accomplished, This has caused uncertainty that has come to sum the effects of 'Russian veto'.

Both presidents are satisfied with the evolution of crops and tomato quality, which will begin exported to the mainland last week of October, with which they hope to achieve new trade agreements that minimize the impact that can have the 'Russian veto' on the Canary productions.

Fruit Attraction international benchmark.

This time the sixth edition of Fruit Attraction will feature over 750 exhibiting companies, increasing by 26% the contracted space. A 70% companies belong to the segment of production and 30% the auxiliary industry; growth is a contracted space 26% reaching and 26.000 net square meters of exhibition.

As for autonomous communities, It is confirmed the attendance of Aragon, Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Valencian Community, Murcia, Estremadura, La Rioja or Navarra, among others.

The fair has become one of the strongest international benchmarks, especially at European level, with the participation of companies from Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Chile, China, United States, France, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom and Sweden.

In addition, for the first time will be present Austria, Korea and Turkey. On the other hand, International Guest Program will bring about Madrid 600 chain professionals purchasing and distribution of more than 50 countries, with high power of decision in your company and ability to negotiate in the Hall.

Technical seminars: A comprehensive program of technical seminars and parallel activities, characterized by the wide range of topics, as well as the high level of the participants and speakers will complement the business. These include: ‘Fresh & Life’, a symposium dedicated to berries; the Third International Congress of seedless grapes, Grape Attraction; or the round table 'Identification of priorities of innovation and research in intensive horticulture'.

Gateway Innova. A space dedicated to highlighting the latest products, varieties or brands that offer exhibitors scoop the fruit and vegetable market, during the three days of fair.

B2Fruit New Markets. An initiative which aims to set up interviews between the participating companies and buyers of new markets with high import capacity. This time the selected areas are Brazil, Eastern, Middle East and Nordics.

FruitFusion. This year, the motto 'Flavors edge', It is intended to disclosure, innovation and interpretation of the best fruit and vegetable products to service restoration with attractive demonstrations and showcookings.