fotonoticia_20150104182939_800A New Yorker of 23 years, Laura Singer, He studied environmental studies at the University of New York, It had been believed an ecologist fledged, until “one day I stared at my waste bin. It was not possible to myself to generate so much waste”, said the young.

At that time, Laura Singer, following the recommendations of a teacher's career, Jeffrey Hollender, activist and co-founder of the 'Seventh Generation' natural products distributor, He began to notice in your garbage and to live according to their values.

“It was when I realized what he preached and my full of plastic rubbish bin was all a contradiction”. Singer says that it has been two years without producing waste, Although he says that he has saved the stickers or adhesives that he brought organic fruit.

The young man began to replace plastic containers with the glass, reusable, and by buying food in bulk. For clothes, He began buying in second hand shops.

Living in New York, don't use the car. “I'll walk to many sides. And when I have to go away, lame public transport”. says Singer.

[quote]”It was when I realized what he preached and my full of plastic rubbish bin was all a contradiction”, Singer says.[/quote]

In terms of organic waste or toilet paper, something that one cannot avoid generating, It leads once a week at a place where transform it into compost and when your clothes or sheets are very worn, He takes them to a place where to recycle them.

“The most complicated wasn't to avoid certain products, but look for organic alternatives to everything we use in day to day”, designates. Given this, He realized that the alternative in most cases was to produce it herself.

“Today I have recipes for all: toothpaste, skin lotion or detergent for washing machine”, indicates. All this shows on your web page ' Trash is for tossers'.

“It is an effort, but it's completely feasible to evolve towards a life without waste”, ensures. In addition, It adds that it is currently a much more sociable person. “Has created a community around the theme and many people contact me to ask me for advice, share ideas or propose alternatives”, sentence.