While some people think that “the Agriculture” It is not the solution to the crisis, Some have found in the primary sector an alternative to their economic and employment situation. A “culture” and he left again enthrall collectors attracted by the price of cochineal.

It began as a story, but the price of kilo of cochineal, ranges from 5 and the 7 euros in fresh, It has meant that a considerable number of people have dedicated to the collection of this insect that only proliferates on the pads of the prickly pear.

In the village, As in almost all the Canary Islands, cochineal stopped collecting the middle of last century. However, Insect he not eradicated. Cochineal small colonies remained inaccessible in tuneras, to the point that invade again with the abandonment of tunos.

To that cochineal proliferates must also “grow” and disperse by pencas “con way” according Andrés Suárez, old collector. Cochineal is delicate and little is lost, You can not stick on the ball because the lower chokes, Suarez recounts. Recolector

Cochineal activity in these three months alone has focused on collection and not in their “culture”. That is why the vast majority of this mealybug in the valley of the village and has been collected. This has not discouraged casual workers.

Some alone and others in gang, wagered with cap, long spoons and small trays roam these days points of Tasarte and Tasartico, reaching even Veneguera, as we told Manuel Rodriguez.

Agroaldea He has been known only two points of delivery in La Aldea, whose receivers prefer anonymity. These, once delivered fresh cochineal, come to pass it on to those responsible for drying, time when cochineal reaches its best price, oscillating between the kilo 60 and 80 Euroso.

Cosmetics and food industry are the main applicants for use as cochineal dye or colorant, avoiding the use of synthetic. Some sources consulted say that this is due to the demand of consumers have products as natural as possible.

Traditional collection cochineal.

To make the collection is use of a tool called “spoon”, consisting of a tin receptacle oval mouth, about 10 cm long 6 cm wide (As it varies from grower to another) and funneled background, Handled perpendicular position half a meter long and roughly about 3 cm thick, usually “pírgano”, name that is known to midrib palm tree leaf.

With this tool insects passing the spoon with a soft scraping movement emerge tunera, leaving those insects that have not acquired sufficient maturity, leaving for later recollection. During the passage of the spoon by a small stalk milana under tunera is placed to prevent the grains do not fall into the bucket fall down.

Once spoon full contents poured over the milana or “mine”, case of a rectangular tray, tin, with approximate dimensions of 30 to 35 cm long by 20 cm wide, and about 6 to 8 High cm. Once the “mine” has filled the content is passed to a bucket or “bucket”.

As a curious note indicate that to get a kilo of dry cochineal are needed between 3 and 3,5 cochineal kg live or fresh.