Pezothrips kellyanusIt is a species of thrips that has come through citrus imports.

A new type of thrips has been detected in the provinces of Almeria and Malaga, according to reports from the Red Alert and Plant Information (RAIF) of the Andalusian.

Detection of this thrips (Pezothrips kellyanus), almerienses again for farmers and malagueños, It has been possible thanks to the Andalusian Plan of Phytosanitary Surveillance citrus, launched by the Junta de Andalucía at the entrance of citrus fruits and plant material susceptible to host new pests from other countries.

Thrips samples submitted between late February and mid-March, by technicians Surveillance Plan Almeria and Malaga Laboratory Production and Plant Protection of Mojonera (Almería), resulted in the identification, for the first time, the presence of Pezothrips kellyanus in Andalusia, specifically in the provinces of Almeria and Malaga.

Apparently this species has been present for several years without causing major problems and severe symptoms manifest suddenly.

The Pezothrips kellyanus is a new pest in citrus growing since the late twentieth century the first fruits damaged by this species in plots in New Zealand and Australia were observed.

Currently considered occasional pest in several African countries, Asia and Europe. In Spain its damage were initially detected in the year 1996 in Catalonia, and in 2007 in the region of La Ribera (Valencia).

Their populations are linked to the flowering of citrus, producing lesions in the newly set fruit by feeding on them. Then growing the fruit, apparent injuries mainly as circular scars are around the peduncle.

Monitoring now focuses on the effects that may be caused to vegetable and fruit crops, and trying to prevent its spread and minimize the impact.