The Union of small farmers has presented it as the “first free App designed for farmers and ranchers” for mobile phones and tablets; on the other hand, Inventia Agrárica proposed CultivAPP as an application designed to help the agri-food sector professionals to effectively manage their farms.

With the time, both third-generation mobile phones and tablets will become one tool more than farmers and ranchers who will share space with traditional tools. There are those who have already called this tool the “sacho 2.0”.

Be that as it may, the truth is that new technologies are beginning to emerge in the agricultural sector in order to facilitate the work of field and farm.

“Countryside walk”, It is a tool of work and information intended for professionals in the rural world. This App offers several utilities that optimize everyday work and also approaches the news through news, videos and notification service.

This application, “Countryside walk”, that already can be found in download of Android and Apple stores also by its shortened name “App field”, It divides its content into two main areas: “Today” It will provide news of interest to the rural world, and “Utilities”, with practical tools for farmers and ranchers, as weather information, a locator of attractions and a GPS module support to the guidance of agricultural machinery.

The app also includes a module on safe agricultural, which provides general information on such insurance and that farmers or ranchers who suffer an accident may submit their policyholder the information necessary to make the party.

Spain has become in recent times in the European country with greater penetration of smartphones and tablets, with 27,6 the first million and 7,3 the second million. It is considered that the 55% the owners of mobile phones in our country has smartphone.

However, UPA has highlighted that most of the available apps are associated with an urban setting and, from the point of view of economic activity, the services sector. The applications available for the agricultural sector are few and are hardly known for their potential users.

UPA has used the presentation to denounce the poor coverage for Internet access and mobile telephony plaguing many rural areas. "These situations must be denounced", They have said, "Because they pose an unacceptable discrimination".

The application has been developed in collaboration with Quadram -experta young company developing mobile apps for organizations such as the DGT or the Cervantes Institute and for companies such as BBVA or Movistar. the app “Countryside walk” It involves the realization of the program “A foot field. Information and assistance for farming”. A project with funds from the European Union, by the EAFRD, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and environment, through subsidies for technological innovation in rural areas.

CultivAPP, a "tool" organized farm work.

With this new application, farmers have all the information and resources to manage quickly and efficiently their crops. All at your fingertips, Anytime and anywhere.

The invention Agraria, a new company dedicated to high-tech solutions for next-generation mobile devices, It has created an application for Smartphones and Tablets, designed to assist agricultural professionals to effectively manage their farms.

CultivAPP to manage and store all information relating to holdings. Through Range Register, a professional can record all your daily activities: sowing and harvesting, irrigations, fertilizers, phytosanitary treatments.

Thanks to its database worldwide, users can query plant protection products are authorized for use, chemical characteristics, his term security, recommended doses, etc.

Manage crops: detailing what is cultivating at all times; control plots: storing all relevant data on the properties in question, geolocalizándolas, asociándole Cultivos; manage campaigns ...

In addition, CultivAPP can generate, automatically, the Field Notebook, mandatory for all farmers. CultivAPP automatically adds all activities in the Journal, including alerts and warnings to keep you informed the farmer and the technician completion deadlines safety of treatments applied, and any other relevant event for management.

Finally, this new application for the farmer allows you to be in permanent contact with agricultural technicians or other farmers, through the "Cultichat", which allows the farmer to obtain fast and personalized advice, can send and receive pictures of plants or any subject of inquiry, videos or any other document.

The Cultichat allows the farmer has informed the trader of the most important events for activity, as alerting a pest, and preventive measures to be taken, O well, inform policy changes that could affect you.

According to its creators, CultivAPP is a tool that provides numerous advantages to companies and professionals in the food industry, because it does not require expensive investments in computer equipment. It is designed to run on smartphones and tablets usually handle.

Improves the efficiency of the technical department of the trading: fewer trips, less administrative volume, greater control of data. Improve the transparency of trading ahead of the markets: information flows in real time from producers to the different links in the distribution chain. It allows effective communication, and multidirectional, between the marketing company, technicians and producers.

Without a doubt, a new tool, with great potential. CultivAPP is completely free for farmers, and requires a professional license for business and technical. Webwww.cultivapp.comse on the page you can get more detailed information.