Gran Canaria RuralIt will be held at the conference 'Building a living rural world, participatory and future 'Day this Friday 10 of July.

The Ministry of Food Sovereignty and Primary Sector of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and Gran Canaria AIDER, have spent months working on the diagnosis in rural areas of the Island, to help the development of the Rural Development Plan.

From the beginning it was agreed, that this development must emanate from a participatory strategy, an approach emphasizing bottom-up.

Individuals and groups involved in day to day, in rural areas, through their agricultural activities, livestock, fishing or new activities that have sprung up in the same, They are the ones who should take the lead and decide how they want the immediate future and the medium term.

A participatory process where people expose current needs, future and priority proposals in order to improve the environment. Their accumulated experiences provide a glimpse, with more certainty and more closeness, or dampers solutions to real problems.

Involvement is necessary to get, establish ties and commitments with the local population, putting the service of general interest collective intelligence. And interconnection networks, You can and must generate multiplier effects.

evidently, This is a living process that never ends and requires periodic assessments to update the strategy, and where they can add further input from interested persons.

To date, numerous reports have been compiled in agriculture, livestock, agri-food companies, rural tourism and have developed twelve sectoral committees, where collective, technical staff and active people in rural areas, They have made a diagnosis of the situation, prioritizing the most serious and urgent problem solving and proposed a set of suggestions, which are addressed as priorities for rural revitalization of Gran Canaria.

This conference intended to be a refund of the information collected, It is insisting that it remains an open process, with the intention of enriching the document to draw, with new nuances and suggestions that you want to contribute.


9:00 Reception. Host participants.

9:15 Opening by the Minister of Food Sovereignty and Primary Sector of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Miguel Hidalgo Sanchez and the president of AIDER Gran Canaria, Antonio Moreno García.

9:30 State of livestock in Gran Canaria. Elizardo Monzón Gil. Technical Agricultural Extension Service and Agricultural Development and Fisheries of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

9:50 Export agriculture in Gran Canaria (banana, tomatoes and flowers). María del Pilar Gutierrez Acuna. Head of Technical Services Agricultural Experimental Farm of Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

10:20 Fisheries and aquaculture in Gran Canaria. Alejandro Báez Acosta. Technical Agricultural Extension Service and Agricultural Development and Fisheries of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria

10:40 The agricultural situation internal market (potatoes, vegetables and fruit). Rafael Navarro River War. Chief of Agricultural Extension and Agricultural and Fisheries Development Cabildo de Gran Canaria

11:10 pause rest.

11.30 The situation of agrifood companies in Gran Canaria. Rosa Maria Batisto Canino. Professor at the ULPGC. Department of Economics and Management.

12:00 Agriculture and livestock. Marcos Robaina Artiles. Head of the Coordination of Agricultural Extension Agencies of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

12:15. Agricultural biodiversity in Gran Canaria. José Corcuera Alvarez de Linera. Deputy Chief of Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Development and Fisheries of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

12.40. Returning input from sectoral committees and proposals for improvement related. Manuel Amador Jimenez. AIDER technician Gran Canaria.

13:10 Closing ceremony