It might seem the character of a new superhero who comes to save the farmer. Others might think that will be the hit of the next carnival costume. Nothing is further from reality. Despite its ostentation, the use of this equipment can reduce physical exertion on a 62% on average, according to its creators.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology has developed a robot suit designed specifically to help with the hard agricultural work, since approximately 40% of agricultural workers in Japan have more than 65 years.

Reluctant to use foreign labor, Japanese are developing new technologies that could allow older farmers to continue working without fatigue both.

Shigeki Toyama, robotics professor who has developed this framework, says it can be used by anyone: "Anyone can use it without losing a drop in work efficiency. I want to increase the types of work that can help ".

The metal and plastic frame has eight electric motors, distributed along the joint, allowing amplify the strength of the arms and feet. Assistance can be activated both sensors that record the body movements such as oral command.

The suit gives the user unmatched agility and comfort (even more than not pick) to unearth radishes, collect or harvest grapes peaches without rheumatism, back problems, cramping or other pain that farmers know well.

"If the farmer is inclined to perform their tasks, It will remain straight and will suffice to give an order for the metallic joints in the legs stretch and give the necessary impetus to start the vegetable effortlessly ", Yamamoto explained Gohei, one of the students working on the project.

They have already been developed two models for different activities. The heaviest, of 31 kilos, can pick vegetables in the sun and transporting heavy loads. The second, of 23 kilos, supports the spine and arms, allowing harvest fruit trees and vegetables.

According to researchers, the use of these devices can reduce physical exertion on a 62% on average. Muscle activity carried out at lower half when the user bends his knees. Therefore, the person may remain stretched longer and without pain.

"To develop this latest model, We have made a study of 102 people, asking what parts of your body will hurt more during harvest grapes ", Yamamoto said. "It turned out that the arms, the neck and lower back were the most affected ".

The first teams have already been sold for about eleven thousand US dollars, but its price should fall by half when it starts to be produced in series. There are no plans at present export.

The same research team has begun work on creating a multimedia spectacles, which may project useful information for real-time farmer, depending on the task being performed.

Like this, a farmer can see how much of ripe fruits that are being observed or follow your own heart rate and calorie consumption. The glasses may tell, for example, you have to take a break after working too, Toyama said.

This type of program has the support of the Japanese government, It is promoting initiatives to develop all kinds of robots and technologies to assist elderly.

Surely these latitudes more than one would like to have to sue defaults, delays and debts administrations without reaching exhaustion. Everything will come.