rutamarruecosThe report's findings, Fairfood prepared by the International Organization, It comes to endorse the theses of canaries leading producers denouncing this situation for years.

The latest report from Fairfood International reveals the miserable wages paid to workers in the tomato sector in Morocco. "These tomatoes harvested and packed the tens of thousands of workers who do not receive a living wage for their hard work. Then, the fruits are sold in European supermarkets, that most of the benefits are being ", explains the document.

The report, qualified “The fruit of their labor. The low wages that hide Moroccan tomatoes sold in European supermarkets ", It was published last day 9 September of 2014 and is an initiative of the project Fairfood “Morocco, flashpoint”.

This project carries out extensive research in the region of Souss-Massa-Drâa, one of the main origins of many European supermarkets are supplied during the winter months.

[quote]Pickers and packers earn between Moroccan tomato 5 and 8 euros a day, while the cost of living is around 15 daily euros. So, they are unable to make ends meet and must live in poverty.[/quote]

This report is linked to the next campaign Fairfood, decent wages, it believes that a living wage -a enough salary to cover the basic needs of workers and their families, as food, clothes, health and education is a human right.

marruecosprodIn this line, according Fairfood, workers of the tomato sector in Morocco living in poor conditions
and do not earn enough to meet their basic needs. The minimum wage is insufficient and sometimes even that is paid.

The study revealed that an adequate living wage would be two to three times more than tomatoes Moroccan workers currently earn. "It is difficult for workers to defend their rights, due to obstructions to trade unions and practicing the culture of harassment. "

[quote]Women are the worst unemployed as they are the most affected by poor working conditions in the tomato sector.[/quote]

Fairfood International began to involve European channels in a campaign of responsibility and commitment to sell products whose workers receive a living wage. Since April 2014, Tesco have participated, Sainsbury y Ahold.

What is included in this report to endorse the claims being made for years canaries producers, whose production, environmentally and compliant with workers, they can not compete with the Moroccan, based on poverty wages, as reflected Fairfood.

You can view the report by clicking here.